Man holding his shoulder from behind

What is a Bone Spur in the Shoulder

A bone spur in the shoulder—also known as an osteophyte—is a bony growth that can develop on the bones of the shoulder joint. These growths can cause pain and discomfort and may limit the range of motion in the shoulder. In this article, we will discuss what causes bone spurs in the shoulder, their symptoms, and treatment options.

Causes of Bone Spurs in the Shoulder

Bone spurs in the shoulder are often caused by wear and tear on the bones and cartilage in the joints. As we age, the cartilage in our joints gradually break down, causing the bones to rub against each other. This constant friction can lead to the formation of bone spurs. Injuries to the shoulder—such as a rotator cuff tear—can also increase the risk of developing bone spurs.

Symptoms of Bone Spurs in the Shoulder

Bone spurs in the shoulder may not always cause symptoms, but when they do, they can be quite painful. The most common symptom is pain in the shoulder joint, which may worsen with movement. Other symptoms may include stiffness, weakness, and a limited range of motion in the shoulder. In some cases, bone spurs can also cause a clicking or grinding sensation in the shoulder.

How are Shoulder Bone Spurs Diagnosed?

If you are experiencing symptoms of a bone spur in your shoulder, it is important to see a doctor for a proper diagnosis. Your doctor will likely perform a physical exam and may order imaging tests—such as an X-ray or MRI—to confirm the presence of a bone spur. These tests can also help determine the size and location of the spur.

Treatment Options for Bone Spurs in the Shoulder

Treatment for bone spurs in the shoulder will depend on the severity of symptoms. In mild cases, over-the-counter pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medications may be recommended to help manage pain and reduce inflammation. Physical therapy exercises may also help improve range of motion and strengthen the muscles around the shoulder joint.

In more severe cases, your doctor may recommend a corticosteroid injection to reduce pain and inflammation. If the bone spur causes significant pain and limits your daily activities, surgery may be necessary to remove the spur and repair any damaged tissue in the shoulder joint.

Can Bone Spurs in the Shoulder be Prevented?

While bone spurs in the shoulder are often a result of natural wear and tear, there are some steps you can take to help prevent their development. Maintaining a healthy weight and staying physically active can help keep your joints healthy and reduce the risk of bone spurs. It is also important to avoid repetitive movements or activities that put strain on the shoulder joints.

Bone spurs in the shoulder can be a painful and limiting condition, but with proper treatment and prevention, symptoms can be managed for an improved quality of life. If you are experiencing shoulder pain or stiffness, be sure to consult with a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan. With the right care, you can keep your shoulder joints healthy and pain-free.